Terms & Conditions

By accessing the Jeppis Stadion website, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. Please read and be sure you have understood these terms and conditions before you continue to use this website.

Information on the website

We have taken all reasonable care when designing this site, and the pages are regularly updated. However, there might, nevertheless, remain incorrect or outdated information. This website is available for use “as is”. By continuing to use this website and its content, you agree to use it at your own risk, and for general informational purposes only. Jeppis Stadion cannot be held liable for any direct, indirect or incidental losses or administrative consequences that might result from the use of this website or from blocking the use of this website.

Copyright and trademarks

All content on this website, including text, pictures and graphics, is protected by copyright and belongs to Jeppis Stadion or its licensors. Your right to use the content and information on this website is limited to your personal informational use only.

Our website may contain our company’s trademarks or trademarks of third parties. These trademarks are protected by law. To use our trademarks, you will require permission from us.

Links to other sites

Our website may contain links to other websites. We are in no way liable for any such websites, and you access and use them at your own risk.


We reserve the right to make changes to these terms and conditions, to the availability of our website, and to the content of our website at any time and without advance notice.

Entering information

You may be able to enter data or submit materials to us via this website. By entering data or submitting materials, you accept that we might use the data or materials for our business purposes. At the same time, you assert that you are entitled to enter such data or submit such materials and that the data and/or materials are not in any way illegal or infringe the rights of a third party. If you choose to enter your personal details on our website, we shall process them according to our Privacy Policy. Please read and be sure you have understood our Privacy Policy before giving any personal details.

Contact details

Jeppis Stadion Ab Oy 

Business ID: 2194781-8

Otto Malminkatu 16 A 3



Email: bjorn.anderssen@saunalahti.fi

Phone: +358